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Primordial Needs

“Oooooooooooommmmmmm…” the cosmic sound reverberated with deep resonance within the confines of the submarine. The radar had detected the presence of this mysterious frequency, that was constantly sending out pulses of radio waves reflecting off the unknown, unidentified object back to source within the submarine’s thrust bearing seat. 


Marine biologist Eva’s deep, emerald eyes appeared startled at the fortuitous echoes as she quizzed her boss, “Sheldon, do you hear what I hear? The radars can’t be faulty. There has to be something inexplicable.”


Sheldon responded, “Eva, we need to slow down the motor and start rising upwards. The pressure can be overbearing. We can’t inspect any further. Probably, we could return here again later for an investigation.”


“No Sheldon! I suspect something uncanny. We shouldn’t leave…”


No sooner had Eva uttered those words, than the constant vibrations of ‘Om’ echoed rhythmically; suddenly a huge wave elevated to disrupt the balance within. Intense pressure was felt and the submarine shuddered. 


A ginormous whirlpool swirling around the centre processed and disintegrated ocean wastes.


Eva and Sheldon tried to manoeuvre the vehicle upwards when a mesmerising creature made its appearance just outside the double vacuum panelled window view.


The sapphire blue scaled androgynous mer-human appeared as a cross between a human and a fish. While the face was graceful and haloed, the shimmering skin reflected shades of tangerine and forest green. The sheen was blinding with the sparkling glow of a thousand spotlights. The creature was an obvious combination of the masculine and feminine energies. The sonorous vibrations of ‘Om’ nonchalantly diffused through every cell of this mer-human.


Before Eva or Sheldon could react, the creature sent communication frequencies that implied, “I’m Om, keeper of the ocean world; in unity consciousness with the Cosmic energies. I’m here with a fervent plea to mankind.


“The ocean life had seen severe destruction by mankind in the last few decades owing to constant water pollution, oil spills, plastics, toxic chemicals and industrial wastes. We are beings of the cosmic world that generally do not appear to human eyes. I’m forced to awaken from meditative slumber and break my norms just so that our pleas are heard. Could you kindly carry back the message that we are attempting to save lives underwater by this primordial creation of cosmic sounds that helps process waste and clean ocean floors. However, the rising wastes are a huge threat.”


As marine biologists, Eva and Sheldon could resonate with the message that struck a cord. Eva choked as she tried to gather her emotions. Wasn’t this what they were striving to achieve? 


She soulfully responded, “Om, I feel you and can only apologise on behalf of mankind for the atrocities that have caused harm to all of life-kind. We pledge to care, protect and preserve all that we can. Do forgive us if you can.”


Om’s entire form sparkled in a glistening glow of love and peace. A newfound hope had risen towards a pragmatic future.


Word count: 494 words excluding the title and note


Note: Om (origin AUM) is a Sanskrit adaptation indicative of collective forces. The word Om is defined by Hindu and Buddhist scriptures as being the primordial sound of creation.


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